My Journey from Size 12 to Size 2

Everyone has had that feeling before; when they get on that dreadful scale and wait to see what number blinks. That 15 seconds before it screams at you that you’re completely overweight is stressful…. I know the feeling too.

12-27-17In December of 2017, I was weighing in at almost 170 lbs. And only being 5’5”, it was the heaviest I’d ever been and I felt horrible. I found myself trying to avoid having my picture taken (which was hard since it was Christmas, and everyone loves documenting their festivities during Christmas!), and I didn’t want to look at myself in the mirror.  My mental and physical state was not where I wanted it to be. I hated what I looked like and I realized that just avoiding the mirror and the scale was not the solution. I needed to actually DO something about it.

Anyone who knows me personally can admit that I have never been a skinny person; I have struggled with my weight my entire life. Nothing I’ve ever done has gotten me to that point where I could look at myself in the mirror and be completely satisfied with what I saw. Some people might say that I have low self-esteem, but it was actually a constant yearning to be better.

The culture today empowers people to be proud of the way they look; whether it be underweight, overweight or obese. Which is wonderful! More power to those women and men who are able to strut their stuff and be completely satisfied with their bodies. But the reality of it is that obesity is more prominent in children and adults now than ever before in my lifetime and it is not a healthy lifestyle to have. I did not want to be another statistic on the obesity scale, and I was well on my way to becoming one.

The problem was that I didn’t know what I needed to do to achieve my goal of losing weight. I have always struggled with weight regulation so I was certainly not an expert in weight loss. But a little research and support from friends and family goes a long way! I have successfully lost 33 lbs in 10 months and feel great! 

I know what you’re thinking…..10 months is a long time to wait to start looking the way you want. The current society of instant gratification makes it hard to stay focused. We want it RIGHT NOW and we’ll go to drastic measures to achieve it. But fad diets that promise drastic weight loss within weeks or a few months isn’t healthy. The point of losing weight should be to get and remain healthy, not lose weight in record time. There’s a way to do it and not starve yourself. In fact, it’s been so easy for me to drop the weight that I can’t wait to share it with you!

weight-loss-is-percent-workout-and-percent-diet-1486038638g84knHave you seen this image of an iceberg before? It’s true what it says. Diet is a HUGE part of losing weight! If you can’t get your diet under control, you have less hope of hitting your goal weight. I know this from experience. I have tried many times to create a consistent workout schedule but my diet didn’t allow me to be the best I could be. Fried foods, carbs, and fats are workout killers. Sure, you can workout so you can enjoy these types of foods guilt-free, but you will never lose weight this way. Being healthy is a lifestyle change. You have to modify your mindset and breakup with fatty foods.

I never thought I could actually accomplish this. Say goodbye to butter?! Are you CRAZY?? All of the good food has butter in it! Or so I thought….. Then I took a step back and asked myself: What does butter REALLY add to a dish? Flavor, yes….but also A LOT of empty calories. There are so many other things you can add to a dish to give it flavor! And when I realized this, a world of possibilities was presented to me.

In the coming weeks, I will share what I did to drop the weight equivalent to a cinder block and how I am still on my journey to get down to my goal weight. Knowledge is power! The first step to changing your lifestyle mindset is to gather information, and I’m here to help you!

Until next time! -LOVE-

One thought on “My Journey from Size 12 to Size 2

  1. Nice article you have here. I am on my way to a healthier lifestyle too and this one has added some motivation for me to continue my journey towards being fit and healthy. Hope I can post my success story too few months from now! Thanks for the added inspiration! 🙂


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